Oops: Are all recognition bloopers Dragon's fault?
It is annoying when your dictation isn't written out correctly by Dragon. But is it always the speech recognition software's fault if it goes wrong?
Can you use a fan or airco when dictating with Dragon?
If you're using speech recognition software, does the noise of a fan or an air-conditioning unit destroy your recognition?
Read on to discover the results of my experiments.
Read on to discover the results of my experiments.
Dragon 15 and Firefox
Since the Dragon 15.3 update it works better with Firefox via the web extension.
Can you still use speech recognition when you have a cold?
It is a question that I get regularly: “What if I get a cold? Can I still dictate and use speech commands in my speech recognition program?
Can I use the built-in mic of my laptop for Dragon?
The manufacturer promises that you can successfully use built-in laptop microphones for Dragon, but is this true?